HAPPY HALLOWEEN my black rose petals! Time for a TRICK OR TREAT!
(*blows some dust off blog*)
Would you like to win a signed advance copy of Sabrina #2, DAUGHTER OF CHAOS, or a signed copy of Sabrina #1, SEASON OF THE WITCH? This photograph was taken in the darkness of a drive-in viewing of #HOCUSPOCUS, one of the greatest Halloween movies of all times. I took SABRINA book 1 to the movies with me because one good witch deserves another. And now I present to you a witch celebration challenge! To win 1 of 5 advance signed copies of #DaughterofChaos and 5 signed of #SeasonoftheWitch copies… Drop in the comments, or email me (sarahreesbrennan @ gmail . com, no spaces) a link to a review on a witch book/movie/TV show! You get put in twice for the draw if it is a #chillingadventuresofsabrina book/movie/TV show. (The reviews do not have to be flattering, all are welcome! We love truth tellers and soothsayers.)
This contest will run until NOVEMBER 14 so there is time to review witches if you haven’t! I await your witchy thoughts.
One Response
i just realized while looking for a review to enter into this contested that even though i love anything witch related i haven’t reviewed to many witch books, (this may need to change). thank you for the chance i’v been dying to get my hands on the second Sabrina book and haven’t been able to figure out how to request it. crossing my fingers.