Extras & Bonuses
Movie & TV Parodies
- The Hunger Games, the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
- Star Wars, The Last Jedi: I Killed A Man in Space Monte Carlo
- Prince Caspian Parody: Peter the Magnificent & Caspian The Super Fine
- Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban
- Star Trek: Once You Go Vulcan…
- Teen Wolf Season 1: No. 2 For Shirtlessness, No. 1 For Inappropriate Physical Contact
- The Vampire Diaries Episodes 1 & 2 Season 1: Cocky Much?
- Other TV, Movie & Book Parodies
Demon's Lexicon
- Nick’s First Word (A Christmas Story)
- Sorcerer and Stone Part 1 (set in the Demon’s Lexicon universe)
- Sorcerer and Stone Part 2 (set in the Demon’s Lexicon universe)
- The Arundel Tomb (set in the Demon’s Lexicon universe)
- The Coward With A Kiss(set in the Demon’s Lexicon universe)
- Quiet In The House (set in the Demon’s Lexicon universe)
- Nick And Jamie Go To The Movies (set in the Demon’s Lexicon universe)
- All The Way Back Where We Started From
- Simon & Schuster Demon’s Lexicon Wallpaper