My Platinum Edition in Indonesia

A platinum edition! Sounds so fancy. Isn’t it gorgeous? May be my new favourite cover. Of this series, that is, because the UNSPOKEN cover just came in and is UNSPEAKABLY […]

Stuff! But mostly, an auction for Terri Windling.

There is an auction going on at magick4terri to benefit Terri Windling, creator of groundbreaking fantasy over the past several decades, ranging from the influential urban fantasy series Bordertown to […]

The Sinning May Now Commence

Trilogy accomplished! The Demon’s Lexicon series has always been a bit of a changeling in the crib. About family in a Time of Great YA Romance, changing narrators every book […]

Demon’s Covenant Short Story, Continued

And here is the rest of the short story! Again, hints at spoilers in Demon’s Lexicon and Covenant, minor and major and just-mentioned characters herein. “Well,” Jamie said. “This was […]

Short Story for Demon’s Covenant

This is quite a week for short stories for you guys! This is my present to you guys to celebrate the release of Demon’s Covenant in paperback in the US. […]

Demon’s Lexicon in Spanish

I am currently in Mexico at a writing retreat, about which more anon! But I thought I would emerge from my land of sunshine, mangos and frantic typing to show […]