Stuff! But mostly, an auction for Terri Windling.

There is an auction going on at magick4terri to benefit Terri Windling, creator of groundbreaking fantasy over the past several decades, ranging from the influential urban fantasy series Bordertown to the online Journal of Mythic Arts. With co-editor Ellen Datlow, she changed the face of contemporary short fiction with The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror.

There is also some cool stuff to be had for a reader, or a writer–one of the coolest offered things is lunch with a literary agent in New York. Barry Goldblatt is an awesome agent who could tell you loads about publishing. (He is also a good time, and the food will be good.)

Also… I am offering a thing! A signed set of the Lexicon trilogy, and a signed advance copy of Team Human.

You remember Team Human. A new summary of it, which is by no means official, but… which I wrote recently, goes like this.

‘Friends don’t let friends date vampires.

You know when your best friend gets involved with a boy, and he’s all she talks about, and she’s going to change her whole life for him, and you don’t even like the guy?

It’s even worse for Mel. Her best friend is dating a vampire.

In the city of New Whitby, vampires are an accepted fact of life, and always a draw for the tourists, but Mel didn’t think she would ever be getting to know one. When Francis Duvarney, blond, beautiful and over a century old, starts going to her high school, she can’t say that it is a pleasure. But her best friend Cathy begs to differ. Mel’s just got to make her see the error of her ways.

As if saving her best friend from the lukewarm embrace of the undead isn’t enough for Mel to deal with, there’s also another friend with a secret, a grumpy vampire cop with suspicions, and a boy raised by vampires who thinks life works by the rules of TV…’

It is not as cool as some of the other things (some of the other things are so cool!) but… it is there… if people want…

Also The Demon’s Lexicon and The Demon’s Covenant have covers in Germany!

And voila, here they are! I hope you like them, and I hope Germany likes them. They are fun covers for guessing who people are meant to be, and also atmospherical!

I am again in the grip of Thinking A Lot About Covers, because My Lovely Editor of Unspoken has told me that the final cover is in! My genius artist–who, no lie, they let me PICK–sent the original piece of artwork (yes… it’s ART… I’m fancy, seriously, this is the fanciest cover ever) to Random House, and it is out being scanned in a giant scanner. I’m not sure how long this will take. I may go Tumblr crazy waiting for it!

So, covers galore, and of course upcoming Gothic and sassy reporter posts. But the thing to remember from this post is magic for Terri!


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