It’s A Team Human-y Couple of Days!

I have just espied with my little eye that Ms Justine Larbalestier has put up the first chapter of Team Human! Soooo, I hope you will all enjoy it. We […]
I Belong to Chrestomanci Castle

There is a Diana Wynne Jones tribute going on, and I have kept thinking and thinking about a way to contribute to it, and kept feeling entirely and massively inadequate. […]
It’s Been Ages Since I Did A Giveaway

And I’m not doing one now, but Saundra Mitchell asked if she could, and of course I said yes absolutely! She also said smart things about boys and girls: about […]
Thinkin’ About Adaptations

I cross-posted this from tumblr, because Discussions are Important, so… that’s why all the pictures. 😉 I remember being still in school, and going to see a movie called Clueless […]
The Internet’s A Stage

I am always super-nervous about events. Not the bit where I stand up and people look at me and I talk about being an idiot and also about my books. […]
Getting Published In Three Simple Steps

This post by Maureen Johnson about James Frey has enraged me to a point where I feel I must make a post telling everybody how to get published. (Finally – […]