The time has come, my friends, to talk of many things: snippets of suffering, and the giveaway of four advance copies of Untold!
Every generation suffers in Untold, I like to think…
Kami heard the creak of the front door opening, and instantly afterward the loud sound of her father’s voice.
He sounded furious in the same frightening way he had before.
“You just wanted to protect me, and protect our children, and protect the town.”
“Yes,” said Mum.
“So you told lie after lie, all for the best, until you had told so many lies you didn’t know how to begin telling the truth.”
“Yes,” Mum said again, desperately.
“I could have forgiven you for any of those lies,” Dad said, though he didn’t sound forgiving. “But there were so many of them. You didn’t know how to begin telling the truth? I don’t know how to begin trusting you again. There was no time in our lives when you weren’t lying to me. There’s nothing to go back to.”
Kami could see their shadows, black against the yellow wall, and how far apart they stood.
“There was nothing you could have done,” Mum said, low. “I did wrong, but I did it because I love you and I love the kids.”
“It wasn’t your choice to make!” Dad said. “They’re not just your kids. They’re our kids. That’s what it meant when we got married, that we promised to make those choices together, and I always have.”
“I know you gave up a lot to come back to Sorry-in-the- Vale when I told you I was going to have Kami,” Mum told him unsteadily. “And you never threw it in my face, until now.”
“That’s not fair.”
“I wanted to make it up to you, I wanted to make things right for you,” said Mum, her voice changing, becoming more like her usual voice, trying to be calm, trying to explain matters. “So I did a spell, and it hurt Kami. After that I was sure I could never tell you any of it. I was sure you would never forgive me.”
“Well then,” Dad told her. His voice had changed too: it was very soft. “At last we find something we can agree on.”
They went into the kitchen. Kami heard the clatter of their movement, the absence of noise that was their furious silence. Her hand was still locked around the banister, gripping the wood as if there might be some comfort there. As if wood and stone were what her home was made of. She thought of Aurimere House, where Angela had said people were going to Lillian, where there might be answers.
Angela had said Jared was there too.
No. She wasn’t going to do it. She was going to go back to bed and sleep, and in the morning she would be in control of herself. In the morning she would fix this.
So what must one do to win all this suffering?
(Also, the font of the cover was based on the polkadots on my dress in this picture. Check skirt and font. True story!)
So. Four books. Four challenges. No waiting.
1. Art Challenge. Drawing, manipped photo, tumblr gif with hilarious words on, anything Unspoken-related visual and artistic, and I shall give the most artistic artiste a prize!
2. Words Challenge. Song, poem, story: anything Unspoken-related under a thousand words. We wordsmiths must stick together.
3. Picture Challenge. Take a picture of yourself reading Unspoken somewhere–the weirder somewhere it is, the better. 😉
4. Surprise Me. Everyone tends to be better at this than me, so if you think up something that doesn’t fit in the three categories, by all means–hit me! (Street/library posters. Pictures of people mildly concussed by Unspoken. Cosplay as the unicorn princess. Anything. Hit me! (DO NOT LITERALLY HIT ME.))
I will post the books to anywhere in the world. The contest will end at the end of this beauteous month of May. Just put links to your entries in the comments to this blog post, or its mirror on livejournal. I am looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with!
82 Responses
Loved the snippet.
I’d like to enter this into the art category please.
THIS SNIPPET. THIS BOOK. I WILL NOT SURVIVE. Neither can I deal with your beautimous covers.
Here’s my first entry in the contest! I hope you like it, even if it doesn’t win. I’ve been meaning to make more Unspoken graphics for a while!
Quick question are Words Challenge! Regarding stories, is that…fanfiction? Should I write some kind of quick release (“this stories author disavows any inspiration for….blah blah”) to prevent legal shenanigans?
(Sorry, I work with copyright law, so these things make me nervous!)
‘not my world, not my characters’ disclaimer is standard, but I won’t sue. 😉
Haha! Then I promise I won’t sue either! :p
Hey Sarah! Are we allowed to enter more than once?
Yes indeed. 😉
Our first entry! (This is more than one pic so I hope that’s okay… if not they were really fun to take 🙂 )
My first entry to anything like this..ever. Yikes. Anyways, I WAS going to do full faces, but then I came to the conclusion that I am terrible at drawing anything below the eyes- so I skipped that part all together! 🙂 Anyways, in order it is: Kami, Jared, & Ash.
(I also want to apologize for the somewhat terrible quality. *cries*)
My (first?) entry is in category 1 and is a Princess Zelda t-shirt. I designed it and mocked up a presentation submission like you would see on threadless (It was done rather hastily in an hour though, so I might submit something else or a revised version later :P) I hope it’s okay…
In for a penny in for a pound. Can I enter this into category 4?
I know I made it a while ago but every little counts right?
This is the link for my entries in the art category
Here’s the link to my entry for the words challenge!
Hmm, not sure my first comment entry went through sooo here’s my art entry!
So I’m working on new stuff, but these are things I posted before and I hope they count? 🙂
For the Art Challenge:
For the Words/Surprise Me Challenge? (I’m not sure where this goes, or if it counts at all…):
I have more but I seem to have misplaced the links. SOON.
New entry!
Art Challenge: 🙂
Had to update the link 🙁
Art entry:
Here is my entry for the Words Challenge –
My entry for the art section:
Photo entry –
I posted my entry on my tumblr account:
I’ll attach it here as well.
Boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. My ‘Surprise Me’ challenge! This is the first entry of many more (I dearly hope)!
my 2nd entry for the contest (
3rd entry for the contest (
( 1st entry
x gita
Second entry! This time for the Picture challenge.
I don’t know if my other comment for this entry published, so just in case: here’s my picture entry! Second entry so far:
to be able to win a book, are we supposed participate in every challenge (art, words, picture, surprise) or is it up to us (well, it does increases the chancesm i hope) to decide how many challenges we want to tackle (including the number of times we participate in one such challenge)?
second question, are there any criteria we have to meet (other than it being unspoken-related in some way, that is) so as not to get disqualified?
sorry, for this long comment, but it would really set my mind on ease to know these things.
please let me/us know!
x gita
It’s up to you guys, but of course every entry = more chance of winning, by virtue of numbers! And no, no criteria but being Unspoken-y. Don’t be worried… and thank you for your awesome entries!
phew. *wipes sweaty brow*
thanks for replying!
x gita
Here it is Sarah! Hope you like it 🙂
My second entry! 🙂 Hope you like this one too!
Hey Sarah! Thanks for the superb contest! Here’s my first entry 🙂 I wrote a song about Unspoken and I hope you like it!
Here’s my third entry! I hope that’s okay!
Here’s my entry for the Picture Challenge! 🙂
I couldn’t pass the chance to have Untold between my hands before September, 24th… so here’s my entry.
Thanks a lot for this contest, Sarah!
I’m sure I won’t win, ‘cause, you know, I’m not that good at drawing, but still, let’s try! 🙂
This is just a quick sketch of Kami and Jared (I wanted to do something looking unfinished, ‘cause their story isn’t over yet, but I’m afraid the picture just look awful. LOL):
Hopefully I’ll enter for the “Surprise Me” Challenge too. XD I wanted to try even with a fanfiction, but I’m Italian and I’m not that good writing in English. .w.” *Sad*
Thanks for the opportunity, I can’t wait to read Untold! <3
My entry for the Words Challenge:
5th entry here:
5th entry here:
this one wasn’t supposed to be posted twice. sorry ’bout that … please feel free to delete it!
I attempted to comment on your LJ, but apparently it got eaten by the spam filter. Sorry if you get this twice!
Picture entry (um…entries?):
Erin loved Unspoken! Here’s my entry:
So I’m not sure if my first comment posted… But here’s my entry to the words challenge. I wrote and composed this song myself and I just recorded it in my room so excuse my mistakes 🙂
This is Danica H btw…
Well, hm, this is my second
entry for the Art Challenge. >//
(You can find it on Tumblr too. >w< Here:
Kami and Jared
Hot. It’s Hot. Kami didn’t know what was going on, everyone was
looking at her so strangely, and her pink sweater is itchy, and hot.
It’s so Cold.
What was that? Kami didn’t know where that
came from, or whether or not it was real.
Hello? Kami asked. Who’s
s-s-so c-cold.
What that was, Kami didn’t know, and
she didn’t care either. All she cared about was that whoever made that sound is
freezing, she could feel it in her heart.
If you’re cold, began Kami. We
can share my sweater. It’s a little ichy, and it’s pink, but it’s warm. Do you
want to?
ple-eas-s-s. Came the voice.
Kami didn’t know where
the voice came from, so she didn’t know how to share her sweater.
Where are you? I need to know where you are.
d-don’t know, replied
the voice. It’s dark here, and wet, and
cold. And the floor is hard. Oh, it’s s-so cold.
Kami felt sad for the voice. She didn’t
know what to do. She never knew what cold felt like. She only knew what warm
and hot felt like. The soft cushions of the big couch, the warm, but itchy feel
of her sweater, and the tasty smell of cookies and cake these kind ladies keep
bringing over. They were delicious. Kami could almost taste the sweet syrupy
goodness of the yellow cakes they seem to call, pancakes.
Tasty, and warm. Came the
voice again, and Kami suddenly knew how to share her sweater. She thought up
warm thoughts, and more warm thoughts, and even more. She continued, even when
the coldness has gone away, because she knew that if she stopped, the voice
would be cold again.
What’s your name? Asked Kami.
a name. What everyone calls you. My name is Kami, at least that’s what the big
people call me, and they say it kind of funny too.
There was a long pause, and finally
an answer came. Jared, my name is Jared.
to meet you Jared.
Kami. Was what she heard before someone
started shaking her, and breaking her connection with Jared. The big people
were looking down at her with funny looks on their faces. Normally, this would
have made Kami laugh, but not this time. How could she laugh when Jared is
somewhere, alone, hungry, and cold?
This is a little something I just came up with. It is Kami and Jared’s very first conversation. I would have drawn some photos, but it’s been a long time since I’ve read this book, and I just found out aout this contest today. And most of my books come from the library, and since I live out of town, I can only visit the library on Saturdays-next Saturday is June 1st.
Anyway, I hope you like it, and have a nice day.
I have created an entry! 🙁 I had plans for something high-falutin and polished but ended up with this, alas. (I have no confidence in winning this, but at the very least I’ve created more fanart 🙂 )
UPDATED (!!) 4th entry (with face scar on jared’s face)
tumblr link:
I’m working on my entry, I hope I finish it on time! I wanted to know until when can I send it, and what time zone you’re using. Thanks!!
my 6th entry depicts kami glass as the seductive mata hari version trying to extract information with her wiles. as kami likes clothes with fruit elements i added that too on her dress .. enjoy 🙂
my 6th entry depicts kami glass as a seductive mata hari trying to extract information with her wiles. as kami likes fruit elements on her clothes, i added that as well… enjoy 🙂
7th entry
Here’s my entry to the words challenge! I wrote a 100-word drabble, which was immensely fun. Hope you like it!
Here’s my entry for the Surprise Me category. Hope you like it!
Another entry (or other entries?) for the contest!
Here’s our first entry!!!! It’s for the picture category. Here’s the link to our blog.
Here is my entry for the art-challenge 😀
I just read this today and finished it today! Glad I found out about this in time.. I’d have been mad at myself. Digital illustration of Kami.
Art Challenge- Full view and close-up:
Here’s my entry for the words challenge. Thank you!
Here is my entry for the contest! Things got a little wild when the librarians at Westerville Public Library all wanted to read Unspoken!
my entry for the art challenge! I hope you like it!
Entry for Surprise Me 😀
2nd (and last) Entry for Words Challenge.
I’m an Italian mothertongue so there will surely be plenty of mistakes, and I’m sorry for that…
I wrote this 497 words flash-fic on the train going to work. I’m really impatient to know what happened next, and I’m really impatient to know what Jared was thinking while saying “you’re nothing special” to Kami.
I know you said you’re going to write your canon of that scene, but, for the moment, that’s my version.
Thanks again for the chance to win the Untold ARC copy.
Entering in last minute, in surprise me category.
Here’s my first entry for the Words Challenge.
Here’s my second entry for the Words Challenge. Sorry, this one’s a bit long. Still less than 1000 words though, so we’re good.
Our photoshoot entry! 😀
Here’s my entry for the words challenge: a song I wrote and recorded, titled Unsaid.
Thanks for a great contest! Sorry the only way I could get a pic was to post it to twitter and then copy the link. Shockingly this geek is internetly challenged at times. Smiles! Suz
Article copy:
By Kami Glass
Well faithful readers, this dauntless reporter was lucky enough to attend the Sarah Rees Brennan book signing at The Surer Guest last night. The evening started off well enough when Ms. Brennan arrived in her late model, 2 door Emerald Green Delorean. She glided to the podium at the back of the
pub looking like a vision of springtime in her floofy turquoise polka dot
skirt. The ‘podium’ was actually one of the bar stools turned around backwards because this skilled interviewer discovered the real podium mysteriously went missing after Seamus Brynmor’s bachelor
party last Saturday night. Ms. Brennan, ever the poised author, took it all in stride delicately placing her speech notes on the worn padded seat of the stool without even spilling a drop of the Pale Ale pint Mr. Randolph shoved into her hand telling her, “thanks for showing up.”
Apparently at some point midway through her author talk, and without any warning, Ms. Brennan snapped and tried to choke an audience member in the front row with the very penny necklace the member was wearing after she offered Ms. Brennan leftover airplane food from her purse when she heard Ms. Brennan was feeling “puckish”. Ms. Brennan was quickly escorted from the Pub while the remaining guests all ran screaming into the night. Sorry-In-The-Vale regulars who stayed behind and returned to their pints swore Ms. Brennan was still screaming “PEANUTS! YOU GAVE ME PEANUTS? WHERE ARE MY BISCUITS?” as she was quickly hustled into the Delorean by her entourage.
By Holly Prescott
In a related story, The Vale police are still looking for a woman suspected of hacking the local Sorry-In-The-Vale tourism office website and posting
a picture last Tuesday of her desecrating the graveyard by, lounging against Lynburn tombstones while reading a copy of Ms. Brennan’s UNSPOKEN in a blatant attempt at fandom. The Vale’s Sergeant Kenn announced he will plan, “unannounced patrols of the graveyard until this suspected graveyard-desecrating suspect tourist is found and questioned right proper”.
We made this orange bra, just like kami had, just for you!
We thought it could be in either the art category or the surprises me, so we left it for you to decide.
Hope you like it!!
I’m not sure if you will still accept it for the contest (as it is presently 3:37 am on June 1st) but here is my contest entry! I hope you like it:
Sorry, just wondering if someone won this and who it was? I am kinda interested in the results! 🙂
wondering the same. i thought with end of may the winners would be announced.