Team Human

Team Human is out today! I’ve never had a book come out that wasn’t part of the Demon’s Lexicon trilogy: I’ve never had a standalone come out! I’ve never had […]

My Face, Out In The World

Here is a video of me and Justine Larbalestier talking about our book Team Human (which is coming out July 3rd, i.e. in LESS THAN A MONTH!), about cowriting, love […]

Team Star!

Team Human’s publication is really coming up fast… in a month and four days, on July 3rd, to be precise, and yes I might be counting the days… I was […]

A Cover Photoshoot

So, Anne Hoppe, the editor for mine and Justine Larbalestier’s TEAM HUMAN, told us that they would be doing a photoshoot for the cover. ‘Cool’ we said. ‘Very fancy!’ we […]

Being A ‘Real Writer’

So advance copies of Unspoken have been going out in the world and receiving blurbs. And here are a couple. “Breath-taking, heart-breaking–a compulsive, rocketing read!”–Tamora Pierce. Tamora Pierce. The lady […]

The Internet’s A Stage

I am always super-nervous about events. Not the bit where I stand up and people look at me and I talk about being an idiot and also about my books. […]