Surrender Chat

I was exceedingly pleased and excited to get a starred review for The Demon’s Surrender from the Bulletin Center for Children’s Books. Starred reviews are fancy! And rarer for later […]
The Last Surrender Cookie

Well, it’s June 9th, five days before The Demon’s Surrender is launched upon an unsuspecting world, and it’s time for the last cookie! I was asked for a scene with […]
Demon’s Surrender May Cookie

This is not the ninth! And I am so sorry. My puzzler is completely confuzzled by pneumonia, obviously. But, of course, my dilatory pneumoniatastic ways mean that I am LEGALLY […]
Short Story for Demon’s Covenant

This is quite a week for short stories for you guys! This is my present to you guys to celebrate the release of Demon’s Covenant in paperback in the US. […]
All Manner of Badness

I’m awfully sorry this cookie is not on the ninth as usual! I was at the Romantic Times convention in LA, and our internet was very, very sketchy. I have […]
And Now For Our Most Pink-Haired Cookie

It’s the ninth and we all know what that means: the arbitrarily chosen day of the month that I pass out cookies from The Demon’s Surrender! This month of March […]