“You know anything about investigative work?” “Sure. Annoy the people involved until the guilty party tries to make you go away.” Nancy Drew did not have to solve supernatural crimes. […]

I Belong to Chrestomanci Castle

There is a Diana Wynne Jones tribute going on, and I have kept thinking and thinking about a way to contribute to it, and kept feeling entirely and massively inadequate. […]

It’s Been Ages Since I Did A Giveaway

And I’m not doing one now, but Saundra Mitchell asked if she could, and of course I said yes absolutely! She also said smart things about boys and girls: about […]

Sleuth Thursday… for 2012!

I was thinking since this is a NEW YEAR, and a new year I am super excited about because I have for the first time ever oh my gosh TWO […]

Ghosts, Governesses and Cricket

I was told by a lovely lady in an email that she would really like to see some book recommendations, so: my readers’ wish is my command! Book recommendations it […]

Summertime, and the Readin’ Is Easy

I was lying out in the sunshine yesterday reading a Gothic novel (as is my way) and felt a sense of absolute and profound wellbeing. ‘Good lord, I love books’ […]