Transgression: Writing On the Edge of the Acceptable
From YA to fantasy to romance, six bestselling authors explore what it means to push boundaries within genres, and to tackle taboo topics in their fields. What happens when writers foray into the forbidden? What does it mean to ‘transgress’ in a novel, and how do writers deal with it—and make their readers like it? Join Eloisa James, Ellen Kushner, C.S. Pacat, Sarah Rees Brennan, Marie Rutkoski and Damon Suede for a discussion that breaks all the rules.
Date: Monday 16th May
Time: Panel at 7pm, signing to follow
Venue: Book Culture 536 W 112th St
New York
Okay a) Have you ever seen a more fun panel topic in your life. What do readers find acceptable and unacceptable? What are the limitations of different genres? Are we talking about weird stuff? Is it okay to talk about weird stuff? DO YOU LIKE WEIRD STUFF? Come see us!
b) Have you ever seen such a great line-up? In case you are unfamiliar I have things to tell you!
Eloisa James is one of my personal favourite go-to romance authors. She created the Duke of Villiers, who is fastidious and spectacular in his dress and fond of sexy chess. Her latest book explores the historical significance of pineapples. Ellen Kushner wrote SWORDSPOINT and PRIVILEGE OF THE SWORD, one the ultimate fantasy of manners in which everyone is in love with Richard or Alec (me: Richard, master swordsman!), and one the best reluctant-to-enthusiastic hero tale of a lady forced into swordplay until she makes the choice to duel for another lady’s honour! C.S. Pacat is a beauteous Australian lady (so this is one of your only chances to see her) and wrote the CAPTIVE PRINCE series, a friend of mine recommended it to me one night and the next day I woke up at 5pm because I’d been up all that night reading the CAPTIVE PRINCE series goddammit: the Prince of Not-Really-Sparta has been betrayed and sold to the Prince of Decadent-Not-Quite-France and he is such a jerk (or is he. OR IS HE.). Sarah Rees Brennan, I don’t know about her, honestly I hear weird things. Marie Rutkoski, bona fide genius and professor (as is Eloisa James! professin my devotion to professors), ponderer of ethical problems such as ‘lady buys gentleman to save him from darker fate’ and ‘how far is it okay to lie about the revolution?’ also inventor of a fictional game that unlike all others actually works and is interesting. Damon Suede, whose tale of firefighters who go from friends to lovers was one of Goodreads’ Top 100 Romance Novels of All Time (which is a big deal!), and whose latest features a Latino bodyguard falling for his shady billionaire boss (I have bought it right now and have it in my possession).
I just think this is going to be VERY GREAT, is what I’m saying.
Holyoke B&N Event with Kelly Link, Holly Black and Sarah Rees Brennan
June 11,
Barnes and Noble, 7 Holyoke Street, Holyoke, MA 01040
Kelly Link is a Pulitzer finalist! I tell everybody. Also, Holly Black is the one perfect person in an imperfect world, also perfect at writing and public speaking. So that will probably be fun.